Subtracks Home 界面的最近收聽曲目好像不根據用客戶端的操作來,我用客戶端聽了很多音樂,它 Home 上最近播放不會因此添加我最近聽的音樂,但是如果我在 Funkwhale、Nectcloud Music App 上聽音樂,它就會正常顯示。
(收藏有些奇怪,Funkwhale 上有收藏功能但我沒有收藏過任何曲目,客戶端上卻顯示我收藏了某些音樂,Nextcloud Music App 上沒有收藏功能,客戶端也顯示我沒有收藏任何曲目,在客戶端上點收藏都沒用)

We allow artists to take back control of their creative value by helping them offering more privilege and egagement to their biggest fans and most passionate collectors : the people that really value their work as Art.

We help them by providing a blockchain-secured distribution platform where diggers and fans can buy rare collector’s editions of tracks directly to their artists. Those certified, limited editions releases are how we enable fans and collectors to own tracks as real, valuable works of art.

感覺這個理念挺好的,但是一看 gallery 才三張 track,並且僅一個可購買。又看了看說明,似乎是製作者自己決定發佈多少份 subtrack,每一份都是獨一無二有特殊編碼在裏面,買一份少一份這樣……買了的話你作爲 collector 就完全擁有這首音樂,也可以轉讓出去……剩下那首可購買的 subtrack 一首(應該就一首吧)45 € OTZ,感覺自己誤闖入了什麼 VIP 貴賓室……


On the surface, music NFTs may appear like the blockchain alternative to buying tracks on iTunes. However, when you buy a track on iTunes, you only buy the right to listen to that music. There’s no asset ownership on iTunes – only a license to listen to what you’ve just paid for. In contrast, music NFTs let anyone listen to tracks but also confer ownership over that file through an NFT.



:hiwa_ll2: 得看作者在创建 NFT 时有没有提供附加内容(比如那个 Subtrack 下面的 bonus unlocking,我觉得一般情况下不会包括商用授权),没有的话它就只是(一个或一些)独特的收藏品 / 纪念品。

@kwa 如果沒有商用版權的話這種價格,我就在想它和我普通去買一張無孫專輯的區別有多大……
@SakuragawaAsaba @kwa 我粗糙看下來感覺這個東西它的好處本應是保護音樂人的版權並讓消費者買到即真正擁有一個作品,但藉此賺錢的人似乎原本就是會使用其他商業手段的富人,而消費者花了更多的錢買到一個說不明白的東西,更多似乎是滿足了佔有慾(?)並獲得了一些頭銜?
